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Accounting Information Systems Australian -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Accounting Information Systems Australian? Answer: Introduction The review of background information relating to Intrepid Travel is a good indicator that the company has a global influence in tourism and travel industry. The purpose of this report is to critically analyze sustainable management and marketing for Intrepid Travel Company. The company has managed to provide services to numerous countries across the globe. This report will narrow down to management analysis of Intrepid Travel Company in Australia. As indicated in the background, Australia is the grass root for this company before globalization (Blaxtel, Hughes Tight, 2006). The report will analyze the importance of the company to the Australian and International Business Landscape. We also aim at focusing our analysis on its international business environment as well as funnel the analysis to Australian base. Several sustainable strategies will be incorporated in the analysis through relevant theory, human resource management, value chain and technological controls, leadership, plan ning and strategy. As a growing company, it is also important to focus on future growth and development. Future management strategies will also be applied in recommending better operations for Intrepid Travel Company. The style of travel applied by Intrepid is referred as Responsible Travel. This is a clear reflection of core purposes and objectives that the company have put into consideration. In this research report, we demonstrated how the company apply key features of this travel style (Bell, 2005). It also aims at initiating a reliable management Analysis for Australia based on the following key characteristics of Intrepid Travel. Intrepid Travel is a grass roots travel that apply all forms of local public transport systems. It also apply small scale locally owned accommodation, local restaurants as well as marketing for dinning. Western leaders who facilitated companys value were the main employees (Sampson, 2013). The company also employ local guides in order to assist traveller on local culture and etiquette. The maximum number of traveller in this travel type is 12. This enable these travellers to experience cultural grass roots and create wider opportunities for cross-cultural understanding. The information above will be appropriate to lay down our management analysis for Intrepid Travel in Australia. Importance of the company to the Australia and International Business Landscape A company whose main objectives are to enhance growth and development need to have a business approach strategy. Intrepid Travel Company is one of the major companies in Australian and International Business Landscape. There are a lot of benefits generated by this company towards economic growth of Australia (Sampson, 2013). From business point of view, the company contributes revenue to Australia through travelling services that attract numerous tourists from all parts of the globe. Tourism sector is one the major pillars of economy in Australia. A lot of foreign exchange is generated from tour and travel services. In that case, Australia ranks Intrepid Travel Company as one of core Partners towards business development and economic growth. Travelling in Intrepid is different from other forms of transport. The company endeavor to provide tourists and travelers with authentic experience in their life time (Dunn Norton, 2013). This approach attract a lot of tourists in Australia. Acc ommodation and traditional approaches applied by Intrepid Travel are unique. Therefore, the company also contribute much in maintaining Australian traditions and culture. Many travelers enjoy visiting farm stay, bush camp and cabin. This is beneficial to Australia for rural development program. Australian native food is another experience for traveler who chose Intrepid Travel (Hausman, 2007). Australia has a lot of edible plant species that travelers enjoy. This is another benefit to Australia. Culture is very important to any country. In that case, native food is part of Australian culture that Intrepid Travel have managed to maintain. Another business aspect in business landscape contributed by Intrepid Travel in Australia is employment. The rate of unemployment in developing countries is alarming. It is very important to seize opportunities that can reduce unemployment. In Australia, the company has managed to employ thousands of workers in order to provide service to thousands of travelers and tourists in Australia and other parts of the globe. Over 2,000 employees have been absorbed by Intrepid Travel Company in Australia alone (Holmes, Hughes, Mair Carlsen, 2015). This is a significant contribution to business landscape in Australia. With many people working in Intrepid Travel, Australian government is likely to collect more revenue via taxation systems. This will enhance provision of incentives to other business opportunities in Australia. At international business landscape, contributions of Intrepid Travel Company are very clear. More than 120 countries across the globe are operating via this company. This is a key performance indicator of an international company. More than 8,000 worker have been employed through this program across all parts of the globe (Krugman, Obstfeld Melitz, 2012). Thus, the company have played a very important role in business development and international relation. Continents have managed to work together so as to develop business concepts in travelling and tourism industry. Foreign exchange is part of business growth that the company managed to empower over the years. Intrepid Travel Company has also contributed to import and export of commodities. This is a great achievement towards business development. Many investors have managed to travel from one country to another in order to search for better business gaps and opportunities (Kotler, Bowen Makens, 2010). In that case, international community benefit from development projects initiated by this investors. A lot of gratitude goes to Intrepid Travel Company for making the world a globe village. It is possible to venture different environments so as to innovate better business ideas. The company offer a maximum of 12 travelers. In that case, it become easy for investors with similar mindsets top meet as they venture new business opportunities. At international airport services, contributions of Intrepid Travel Company are very clear. The company provide all the requirements to facilitate travelling. Insurance policies, passports, visas and other travelling documents are provided with ease at Intrepid Travel. As part of the program, travel insurance at the company is compulsory (Marshall, 2013). This is very important so as to cater several services such as medical expenses, emergency repatriation, to cover cancellation and personal liabilities. This program has made many travelers to prefer this company over other travelling agencies. Australia transport authorities have ranked the company as the most convenient way to travel within Australia as well as outside the country. This is a clear view that the company business profile and provision of services are unquestionable. Sustainability strategies It is very important for a business oriented company to set long term business strategies so as to facilitate growth and development. It is also important to guarantee sustainability of business operations in both short run and long run (McKenzie Pharoah, 2009). Intrepid Travel Company has operated in travelling and tourism industry for more than two decades. Each year, the company achieve more progress in business operations. It is not easy to maintain upward trend in business growth and development. The contributing factor toward the upward trend in this company is based in sustainability strategies applied by the company in different domains. These aspects include proper planning and strategy, appropriate organizing, leading and controlling, human resource management, leadership, controlling the value chain and technology. These aspects have contributed to sustainability practice that the company implemented since that day it was formed in Australia. Relevant theory The operations of Intrepid Travel Company are laid down on consistency theory (Reece and Walker, 2007). This is because the mode of operations since initiation stage has been consistent. That is, provision of responsible travel to clients. With consistent improvements, the company still remain on top of travel agencies in Australia and other parts of the globe. Traveler are aware of the requirements and services offered by the company. This build confidence from both sides. In that case, the company benefits from revenue collection while travelers benefits from quality services provided by the company. Through consistency, businesses are able to attract potential customers. Strategies applied by the company There are two main strategies applied by Intrepid Travel Company towards enhancing their operations. First, the company provide unique services during travelling periods. This unique approach attract numerous travelers from Australia and international community. The company provide cultural native food from Australia which attract many tourists (Malin Maidment, 2003). The company also provide accommodation and hotel services to their clients. This is a unique way to cater for travelers. Another strategy applied by the company is responsible travel to all the travelers. This strategy apply travel insurance policy. Insurance policy in the company are compulsory for any individual or group of people planning to take a trip (Sampson, 2013). This policy act as a guarantee that the trip will be safe and under responsible service provider. Travel insurance policy cater for medical expenses during travelling, cater for damages in case the trip is cancelled. This is strategy that make travelers comfortable and confident when moving from one place to another. Lastly, the maximum number of traveler in any particular trip is 12. This offer a remarkable chance for family vacations to various destinations such as tourism areas. Roles of planning and organising Due to numerous travelers who indicate their travelling interest via this company, proper planning and organizing become a priority. The company employed a team of travel analysts who plan travelling schedules for all trips taking place in Australia and other parts of the globe. This ensures that clients are scheduled for travel without delay. These analyst apply waiting time statistical tool that apply exponential distribution and Poisson distribution (Sanders Tamma, 2015). This help in organizing traveling time as part of stochastic process. Human resource management Intrepid Travel Company is one of major employers in Australia and across the globe. There are over 8,000 employees. Due to technological advancement in travelling industry, the company keep recruiting qualified skilled individuals to assist in planning and controlling. These experts assist in formulating booking strategies (Secker, 2010). Again, due to increase in competition, the company recruited financial and investment analysts so as to ensure the company remain relevant in the market. Leadership Leadership in any business operation need to be based on authentic leadership. The company has a team of leaders who oversee the operations carried out across all outlets. These leaders have a responsibility to ensure smooth operations in all travelling terminals (Slaper Hall, 2011). They also collect feedbacks from clients so as to develop more strategies that satisfy the clients. Leaders in this company work closely with other employees so as to maintain the mission of the company. These leaders are vetted by Australian Transport Agency so as to verify their authenticity in leadership. Controlling value chain and technology The company ensure smooth flow of travelers during all periods of the year. The company have managed to provide over 800 trips in each continent each year. Thus, the value of this company tends to increase each year. On the other hand, through technological advancement, traveler need not visit companys offices to book for a trip. The company has developed a booking site where travelers indicate their desired destinations in a given point in time (Daft, 2015). This technology is convenient in time saving and costs. Payments are also made via m-commerce. Future strategic management Intrepid Travel Company can apply three major management strategies towards enhancing a more responsible travel. Increase carrying capacity from 12 travellers to 20 travellers. This strategy will contribute to a better yield per trip. Initiate an insurance policy to cover other family members when travelling. This implies that a family require a single insurance cover during travelling. This will attract more customers. Human resource management should be empowered to hire experts from different parts of Australia and outside Australia so as to assist in planning and organising. Recommendations There company has achieved a lot of process since 1989. However, more developing aspects need to be laid down so as to enhance economic progress and quality service to all travelers. The following recommendations will be appropriate for Intrepid Travel Company. The company should work together with tourism sites so as to gain extra commission. For every tourist the company bring to tourism site, the company should get a commission of 10% from revenue charged from a particular tourist. This will act as motivating factor for the company. More technological advancements need to be initiated. There should more booking sites for travellers. This is enhancing customer obsession through putting their priorities first in all marketing initiatives. Brand positioning. This should be done via increasing sales opportunities via brand awareness and positioning in Australia (Fletcher, 2012). Again, the industry marketing executive needs to ensure the company group brands are well positioned both internally and externally. Conclusion In business operations, it is all about strategic planning and organizing. Intrepid Travel Company have managed to move from humble beginning to remarkable levels. If the company implement the future strategic management plan, the more growth will be achieved (Hitt, 2014). The recommendations asserted in this report is a clear indicator that the sky is the limit. The company has a wider growth and development path. All the departments need to work together so as to promote sustainability practices, leadership, planning, organizing and control. The Australian and international business landscape will fully benefit from all the laid down strategies and recommendations. References Bell, j. (2005) Doing your research project: a guide for first time researchers in education, health and social science. Berkshire: Open University Press. Pg. 56-65. Blaxtel, L., Hughes, C., Tight, M. (2006) How to research. 3rd ed. Berkshire: Open University Press. Pg. 76-95. Daft, R.L. (2015) Management. South Western College Pub. Pg. 79-85. Dann, S., Dann, S. (2004)Strategic Internet Marketing. Brisbane: John Wiley Sons. Pg. 9-15. Dann, S., Dann, S. 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